Family Therapist's Tips for Couples to Communicate Better

Communication is the foundation

According to a marriage and family therapist in Newtown, communication is the foundation of all human relationships. Right from when you were born, consciously or unconsciously, you are communicating with your surroundings and building relationships. Some relationships have lasted and will last for years to come, while some may have lost amidst the tide of time. Have you ever questioned what made your relationships last? It's Good Communication.


Like anything fundamental, communication is an art that is hard to understand and master. However, if understood and performed efficiently, it can elevate your relationship to a whole new level of intimacy.


Six Communication Tips for Couples 

Here are six tips from a family therapist in North Kolkata for couples to communicate better - 


1. Listen – When you hear the word communication, you might immediately think about 'speech'. However, the most essential communication skill is listening. Before you speak, pay attention and listen to what your partner says or is trying to say. For instance, if your partner tells you a story, listen actively, try to be wholly invested and do not interrupt, except for when you need clarification. When they express their anger or sadness, validate what they feel even if you're not fully on board. Then, you can iron out the issues after they let their emotions out.


2. Set Your Boundaries - Boundaries or rules are essential in any relationship. These rules separate what you approve of from what you don't and stuff that you are comfortable with from other things that might cause you discomfort.

If your partner does something that you do not approve of, take the chance and express how you feel. However, do not attack your partner. Just tell them how you feel about what they have done.


3. Understand First – Sometimes, you might be so engulfed in the longing to be understood that you forget to be understanding. Try to be empathetic.

According to a family and marriage therapist in Newtown, you should think about what it feels like to be understood, how you would like your partner to understand you and try to do the same for them. 


4. Try to establish common ground - During an argument, you might tend to stick to your point of view. Instead, try to develop common ground between you and your partner and then drive the argument towards the common ground.


5. Apologize – You and your partner should share responsibility be accountable for your mistakes. Mistakes are a part of relationships and it is human to err. However, what is not normal is to find excuses rather than owning your mistakes and simply apologizing. 


6. Show Physical Affection - Physical affection and intimacy like holding hands, hugging, and goodbye kisses are all simple acts of intimacy that holds much more ground in a relationship than you might think. 


If you and your partner find it hard to communicate due to relationship issues, consult a marriage and family counselling therapist in Rajarhat.


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